Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pujo and an image thats floating away

Tonight is mahanabami...the final night of festivity before it dawns on Maa's subjects that its once again time to say good bye. Somehow for most people pujo ends on the night of nabami itself because Vijaydashami is all about saying good bye to the mother for one more year...and who knows one may never be around to welcome her once again in our midst after the long wait of 52 weeks. Am already in a state of mourning for the departure of the mother...Every year during pujo i long to be with my family and friends and enjoy the festivities with them, i long to go back to my village the image of which has always been a calling card to me, however as i go deeper and deeper into the rumbles of the corporate dream ,that image, moves farther and farther away. The images of those years in adolescence which I spent in that village when getting a new shirt and a pant for Pujo was the most important thing in life, when getting a 50 paisa or a one rupee coin to buy crackers and toys used to be such a hard task, all those images are still so vivid and so fresh in the mind. Those images bring a smile to the corner of my lips but also a tinge of a droplet to the corner of my eye as realisation dawns in that alas!those days will never return.How I wish, like everyone else probably, if the years could be rolled back somehow,Last year I and my brothers had been to one of the puja pandals in Bangalore and it felt quite good however didn't feel like going this time around as its quite so far away from my place...tried to catch glimpses of the festivities in Kolkata on e tv bangla and liked every bit of whatever i could catch(only maa knows why e tv shows so less amount of footage of the festivities). As always, have made up my mind to be there at the place I want to be when Maa comes calling next time around.Just hope that I can make it at least next time around for I have an account to settle with those images which haunt me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good first post. Memories as a theme never fails.

But u might want to work on ur presentability - one full chunk of text is difficult reading. Small contextual paras would be nice.

And some other things like punctuation, spacing and also usage in some places could be much better.