Monday, May 25, 2009

the rani of chudails

Have never been known to be short of words no matter what situation I get into. But but but, for the first time in my life, today, I am feeling incapable of putting into words, the feeling that I am going through. Ecstasy?? No no, even that comes way short of describing what I am feeling.

It’s only been about a week since I started speaking with her, but it already feels like a life time. She couldn’t have made an appearance on the stage of my life at a more opportune time. Just when the protagonist was in the danger of getting lost in his own directionless world, she entered the stage as the destination that he had been seeking, for all these 26 years.

I call her the jungle billi, the icchadhari nageen, the rani of chudails. She is all these and much more and I can’t really describe what all she means to me. At first look, she seems to be the most stubborn and the most snobbish girl one will ever meet, but as you get to know her, you realize how delicate and how intricate she is, from within. And I bet that there is no other girl in this whole wide world who has such magnetism in her eyes as she has. With simple twirl of her head and as infectious a smile as any, she has made me hear what I have been waiting to hear all these years. Yes, I did hear the dil wali ghanti last night.

I hope and I hope and I hope and I hope that she continues to remain like this and mean as much to me as she does now, for the rest of my life. I will trade anything that I have or anything that I will have in future, for the opportunity of waking up every morning with the rani of chudails in my arms.